Comparative Competition Policy
Comparative Competition Policy
Farmer, Susan B.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd
15 a 20 dias
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Volume I
Acknowledgements viii
Introduction: Comparative Competition Policy - an Anthology of Recent Articles
Susan Beth Farmer xi
1. Inara Scott (2016), 'Antitrust and Socially Responsible
Collaboration: A Chilling Combination?', American Business Law
Journal, 53 (1), Spring, 97-144 2
2. D. Daniel Sokol (2015), 'Tensions between Antitrust and Industrial
Policy', George Mason Law Review, 22 (5), 1247-68 50
3. Harry First and Eleanor M. Fox (2015), 'Philadelphia National
Bank, Globalization, and the Public Interest', Antitrust Law Journal,
80 (2), 307-51 72
4. Mel Marquis (2015), 'Idea Merchants and Paradigm Peddlers in
Global Antitrust', Pacific McGeorge Global Business and
Development Law Journal, 28, 155-208 117
5. John Temple Lang (2014), 'After Fifty Years - What is Needed for
a Unified European Competition Policy?', 21st St. Gallen
International Competition Law Forum ICF, May, 1-54 171
6. Paul Nihoul (2012), 'Freedom of Choice: The Emergence of a
Powerful Concept in European Competition Law', Concurrences
Review, 3, 55-70 225
7. Abbott B. Lipsky, Jr. (2009), 'Managing Antitrust Compliance
through the Continuing Surge in Global Enforcement', Antitrust
Law Journal, 75 (3), 965-95 241
8. Susan Beth Farmer (2007), 'Global Competition Implications for
Enforcement', in Larry Cata Baker (ed.), Harmonizing Law in an
Era of Globalization: Convergence, Divergence, and Resistance,
Chapter 9, Durham, NC, USA: Carolina Academic Press, 185-216 272
9. Oliver Budzinski (2008), 'Monoculture versus Diversity in
Competition Economics', Cambridge Journal of Economics, 32 (2),
March, 295-324 304
10. Spencer Weber Waller (1994), 'Neo-Realism and the International
Harmonization of Law: Lessons from Antitrust', Kansas Law
Review, 42 (3), Spring, 557-604 334
11. Niklas Horstmann, Jan Kraemer and Daniel Schnurr (2018),
'Number Effects and Tacit Collusion in Experimental Oligopolies',
Journal of Industrial Economics, 66 (3), September, 650-700 383
12. Christian Bergqvist (2017), 'Where Do We Stand on Discounts? - A
Danish Perspective', in Where Do We Stand on Discounts? A
Nordic Perspective, Chapter 2, Copenhagen, Denmark: Ex Tuto
Publishing, 53-113 434
13. Yong Huang, Elizabeth Xiao-Ru Wang and Roger Xin Zhang
(2015), 'Essential Facilities Doctrine and Its Application in
Intellectual Property Space under China's Anti-Monopoly Law',
George Mason Law Review, 22 (5), 1103-26 495
14. Eleanor M. Fox (2014), 'Monopolization and Abuse of Dominance:
Why Europe is Different', Antitrust Bulletin, 59 (1), Spring, 129-52 519
15. Michal S. Gal (2013), 'Abuse of Dominance - Exploitative
Abuses', in Ioannis Lianos and Damien Geradin (eds), Handbook
on European Competition Law: Substantive Aspects, Chapter 9,
Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar
Publishing, 385-422 543
16. David J. Gerber (2010), 'Convergence in the Treatment of
Dominant Firm Conduct: The United States, the European Union,
and the Institutional Embeddedness of Economics', Antitrust Law
Journal, 76 (3), 951-73 581
17. Michal S. Gal and A. Jorge Padilla (2010), 'The Follower
Phenomenon: Implications for the Design of Monopolization Rules
in a Global Economy', Antitrust Law Journal, 76 (3), 899-928 604
18. Avishalom Tor (2010), 'Unilateral, Anticompetitive Acquisitions of
Dominance or Monopoly Power', Antitrust Law Journal, 76 (3),
847-72 634
19. Ariel Ezrachi and David Gilo (2008), 'Are Excessive Prices Really
Self-Correcting?', Journal of Competition Law and Economics, 5
(2), 249-68 660
20. A. Neil Campbell and J. William Rowley (2008), 'The
Internationalization of Unilateral Conduct Laws - Conflict, Comity,
Cooperation and/or Convergence?', Antitrust Law Journal, 75 (2),
267-351 680
21. Michal S. Gal (2007), 'The "Cut and Paste" of Article 82 of the EU
Treaty in Israel: Conditions for a Successful Transplant', European
Journal of Law Reform, 9 (3), 467-84 765
22. Wouter P. J. Wils (2014), 'The Judgment of the EU General Court in
Intel and the So-Called More Economic Approach to Abuse of
Dominance', World Competition, 37 (4), 405-34 784
23. Damien Geradin (2015), 'Loyalty Rebates after Intel: Time for the
European Court of Justice to Overrule Hoffman-La Roche', Journal
of Competition Law and Economics, 11 (3), September, 579-615 814
24. Damien Geradin and Caio Mario da Silva Pereira Neto (2013), 'For
a Rigorous "Effects-Based" Analysis of Vertical Restraints Adopted
by Dominant Firms: A Comparison of EU and Brazilian
Competition Law', Competition Policy International, 9 (1), Spring,
1-16 851
25. Vincent Verouden (2003), 'Vertical Agreements and Article 81 (1)
EC: The Evolving Role of Economic Analysis', Antitrust Law
Journal, 71 (2), 525-75 867
Volume II
Acknowledgements viii
Introduction An introduction to both volumes by the editor appears in Volume I
1. Wouter P. J. Wils (2016), 'The Use of Leniency in EU Cartel
Enforcement: An Assessment after Twenty Years', World
Competition, 39 (3), 327-88 2
2. John M. Connor (2015), 'The Rise of ROW Anti-Cartel
Enforcement', CPI Antitrust Chronicle, 1, September, 1-11 64
3. Joseph E. Harrington Jr., Kai Hu?schelrath, Ulrich Laitenberger and
Florian Smuda (2015), 'The Discontent Cartel Member and Cartel
Collapse: The Case of the German Cement Cartel', International
Journal of Industrial Organization, 42, September, 106-19 75
4. Wouter P. J. Wils (2012), 'Recidivism in EU Antitrust Enforcement:
A Legal and Economic Analysis', World Competition, 35 (1), 5-26 89
5. Amedeo Arena (2011), 'Game Theory as a Yardstick for Antitrust
Leniency Policy: The US, EU, and Italian Experiences in a
Comparative Perspective', Global Jurist, 11 (1), March, 1-13 111
6. Michal S. Gal (2010), 'Free Movement of Judgments: Increasing
Deterrence of International Cartels through Jurisdictional Reliance',
Virginia Journal of International Law, 51 (1), 57-94 126
7. Julian M. Joshua, Peter D. Camesasca and Youngjin Jung (2008),
'Extradition and Mutual Legal Assistance Treaties: Cartel
Enforcement's Global Reach', Antitrust Law Journal, 75 (2),
353-97 164
8. Margaret Levenstein and Valerie Y. Suslow (2004), 'Contemporary
International Cartels and Developing Countries: Economic Effects
and Implications for Competition Policy', Antitrust Law Journal, 71
(3), 801-52 209
9. Barbara J. Alexander (2003), 'The Impact of Exchange Rate Levels
and Changes on International Cartels: Implications for Liability and
Overcharges', Antitrust Law Journal, 70 (3), 819-46 261
10. William E. Kovacic (2000), 'Lessons of Competition Policy Reform
in Transition Economies for U.S. Antitrust Policy', St. John's Law
Review, 74 (2), Spring, 361-405 289
11. Thomas K. Cheng (2017), 'The Meaning of Restriction of
Competition under the Monopolistic Agreements Provisions of the
PRC Anti-Monopoly Law', World Competition, 40 (2), 323-54 335
12. Bjoern Lundqvist (2015), 'Competition Law as the Limit to
Standard-Setting', in Josef Drexl and Fabiana di Porto (eds),
Competition Law as Regulation, Chapter 13, Cheltenham, UK and
Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing, 365-95 367
13. Joseph A. Clougherty, Tomaso Duso, Miyu Lee and Jo Seldeslachts
(2016), 'Effective European Antitrust: Does EC Merger Policy
Generate Deterrence?', Economic Inquiry, 54 (4), October,
1884-903 399
14. David Reader (2016), 'Accommodating Public Interest
Considerations in Domestic Merger Control: Empirical Insights',
Working Paper, 1-80 419
15. Fei Deng and Su Sun (2015), 'The Role of Economics in Chinese
Merger Appraisal', Journal of Antitrust Enforcement, 3 (1), 92-107 500
16. Anca D. Chirita (2016), 'Procedural Rights in EU Administrative
Competition Proceedings: Ex Ante Mergers', in Caroline Cauffman
and Qian Hao (eds), Procedural Rights in Competition Law in the
EU and China, Berlin and Heidelberg, Germany: Springer-Verlag,
59-99 516
17. Antonio Capobianco, John Davies and Sean F. Ennis (2016),
'Implications of Globalisation for Competition Policy: The Need
for International Cooperation in Merger and Cartel Enforcement',
E15 Expert Group on Competition Policy and the Trade System:
Think Piece, Geneva, Switzerland: International Centre for Trade
and Sustainable Development and Cologny and Geneva,
Switzerland: World Economic Forum, January, i-v, 1-20 557
18. William E. Kovacic, Petros C. Mavroidis and Damien J. Neven
(2014), 'Merger Control Procedures and Institutions: A Comparison
of the EU and US Practice', European University Institute, Robert
Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies: Global Governance
Programme - 84, Working Paper No. 2014/20, 1-30 583
19. Alison Jones and John Davies (2014), 'Merger Control and the
Public Interest: Balancing EU and National Law in the Protectionist
Debate', European Competition Journal, 10 (3), December, 453-97 614
20. D. Daniel Sokol (2013), 'Merger Control under China's Anti-
Monopoly Law', New York University Journal of Law and Business,
10 (1), Fall, 1-36 659
21. Michal S. Gal (2012), 'Merger Policy for Small and Micro
Jurisdictions', in Konkurrensverket: Swedish Competition Authority
(eds), More Pros and Cons of Merger Control, Chapter 3,
Stockholm, Sweden: Swedish Competition Authority, 61-124 695
22. Ariel Ezrachi (2006), 'Merger Control and Cross-Border
Transactions: A Pragmatic View on Cooperation, Convergence and
What is in between', in Philip Marsden (ed.), Handbook of Research
in Trans-Atlantic Antitrust, Chapter 24, Cheltenham, UK and
Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing, 622-40 759
23. Eleanor M. Fox (2002), 'U.S. and European Merger Policy - Fault
Lines and Bridges: Mergers that Create Incentives for Exclusionary
Practices', George Mason Law Review, 10 (3), 471-88 778
24. Eleanor M. Fox (2002), 'Mergers in Global Markets: GE/Honeywell
and the Future of Merger Control', University of Pennsylvania
Journal of International Economic Law, 23 (3), Fall, 457-68 796
25. Michal S. Gal and Thomas K. Cheng (2016), 'Aggregate
Concentration: A Study of Competition Law Solutions', Journal of
Antitrust Enforcement, 4 (2), October, 282-322 809
26. Alison Jones (2016), 'Private Enforcement of EU Competition Law:
A Comparison with, and Lessons from, the US', in Maria
Bergstroem, Marios Iacovides and Magnus Strand (eds),
Harmonising EU Competition Litigation: The New Directive and
Beyond, Part I, Chapter 2, Oxford, UK and Portland, OR, USA:
Hart Publishing, 15-41 850
27. Anca D. Chirita (2015), 'The Judicial Review of the European
Union Industrial Cartels', Zeitschrift fu?r Europarechtliche Studien,
18 (4), 407-41 877
28. Edward D. Cavanagh (2010), 'The Private Antitrust Remedy:
Lessons from the American Experience', Loyola University
Chicago Law Journal, 41 (3), Spring, 629-49 912
29. Bruce Wardhaugh (2014), 'Bogeymen, Lunatics and Fanatics:
Collective Actions and the Private Enforcement of European
Competition Law', Legal Studies, 34 (1), 1-23 933
Volume I
Acknowledgements viii
Introduction: Comparative Competition Policy - an Anthology of Recent Articles
Susan Beth Farmer xi
1. Inara Scott (2016), 'Antitrust and Socially Responsible
Collaboration: A Chilling Combination?', American Business Law
Journal, 53 (1), Spring, 97-144 2
2. D. Daniel Sokol (2015), 'Tensions between Antitrust and Industrial
Policy', George Mason Law Review, 22 (5), 1247-68 50
3. Harry First and Eleanor M. Fox (2015), 'Philadelphia National
Bank, Globalization, and the Public Interest', Antitrust Law Journal,
80 (2), 307-51 72
4. Mel Marquis (2015), 'Idea Merchants and Paradigm Peddlers in
Global Antitrust', Pacific McGeorge Global Business and
Development Law Journal, 28, 155-208 117
5. John Temple Lang (2014), 'After Fifty Years - What is Needed for
a Unified European Competition Policy?', 21st St. Gallen
International Competition Law Forum ICF, May, 1-54 171
6. Paul Nihoul (2012), 'Freedom of Choice: The Emergence of a
Powerful Concept in European Competition Law', Concurrences
Review, 3, 55-70 225
7. Abbott B. Lipsky, Jr. (2009), 'Managing Antitrust Compliance
through the Continuing Surge in Global Enforcement', Antitrust
Law Journal, 75 (3), 965-95 241
8. Susan Beth Farmer (2007), 'Global Competition Implications for
Enforcement', in Larry Cata Baker (ed.), Harmonizing Law in an
Era of Globalization: Convergence, Divergence, and Resistance,
Chapter 9, Durham, NC, USA: Carolina Academic Press, 185-216 272
9. Oliver Budzinski (2008), 'Monoculture versus Diversity in
Competition Economics', Cambridge Journal of Economics, 32 (2),
March, 295-324 304
10. Spencer Weber Waller (1994), 'Neo-Realism and the International
Harmonization of Law: Lessons from Antitrust', Kansas Law
Review, 42 (3), Spring, 557-604 334
11. Niklas Horstmann, Jan Kraemer and Daniel Schnurr (2018),
'Number Effects and Tacit Collusion in Experimental Oligopolies',
Journal of Industrial Economics, 66 (3), September, 650-700 383
12. Christian Bergqvist (2017), 'Where Do We Stand on Discounts? - A
Danish Perspective', in Where Do We Stand on Discounts? A
Nordic Perspective, Chapter 2, Copenhagen, Denmark: Ex Tuto
Publishing, 53-113 434
13. Yong Huang, Elizabeth Xiao-Ru Wang and Roger Xin Zhang
(2015), 'Essential Facilities Doctrine and Its Application in
Intellectual Property Space under China's Anti-Monopoly Law',
George Mason Law Review, 22 (5), 1103-26 495
14. Eleanor M. Fox (2014), 'Monopolization and Abuse of Dominance:
Why Europe is Different', Antitrust Bulletin, 59 (1), Spring, 129-52 519
15. Michal S. Gal (2013), 'Abuse of Dominance - Exploitative
Abuses', in Ioannis Lianos and Damien Geradin (eds), Handbook
on European Competition Law: Substantive Aspects, Chapter 9,
Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar
Publishing, 385-422 543
16. David J. Gerber (2010), 'Convergence in the Treatment of
Dominant Firm Conduct: The United States, the European Union,
and the Institutional Embeddedness of Economics', Antitrust Law
Journal, 76 (3), 951-73 581
17. Michal S. Gal and A. Jorge Padilla (2010), 'The Follower
Phenomenon: Implications for the Design of Monopolization Rules
in a Global Economy', Antitrust Law Journal, 76 (3), 899-928 604
18. Avishalom Tor (2010), 'Unilateral, Anticompetitive Acquisitions of
Dominance or Monopoly Power', Antitrust Law Journal, 76 (3),
847-72 634
19. Ariel Ezrachi and David Gilo (2008), 'Are Excessive Prices Really
Self-Correcting?', Journal of Competition Law and Economics, 5
(2), 249-68 660
20. A. Neil Campbell and J. William Rowley (2008), 'The
Internationalization of Unilateral Conduct Laws - Conflict, Comity,
Cooperation and/or Convergence?', Antitrust Law Journal, 75 (2),
267-351 680
21. Michal S. Gal (2007), 'The "Cut and Paste" of Article 82 of the EU
Treaty in Israel: Conditions for a Successful Transplant', European
Journal of Law Reform, 9 (3), 467-84 765
22. Wouter P. J. Wils (2014), 'The Judgment of the EU General Court in
Intel and the So-Called More Economic Approach to Abuse of
Dominance', World Competition, 37 (4), 405-34 784
23. Damien Geradin (2015), 'Loyalty Rebates after Intel: Time for the
European Court of Justice to Overrule Hoffman-La Roche', Journal
of Competition Law and Economics, 11 (3), September, 579-615 814
24. Damien Geradin and Caio Mario da Silva Pereira Neto (2013), 'For
a Rigorous "Effects-Based" Analysis of Vertical Restraints Adopted
by Dominant Firms: A Comparison of EU and Brazilian
Competition Law', Competition Policy International, 9 (1), Spring,
1-16 851
25. Vincent Verouden (2003), 'Vertical Agreements and Article 81 (1)
EC: The Evolving Role of Economic Analysis', Antitrust Law
Journal, 71 (2), 525-75 867
Volume II
Acknowledgements viii
Introduction An introduction to both volumes by the editor appears in Volume I
1. Wouter P. J. Wils (2016), 'The Use of Leniency in EU Cartel
Enforcement: An Assessment after Twenty Years', World
Competition, 39 (3), 327-88 2
2. John M. Connor (2015), 'The Rise of ROW Anti-Cartel
Enforcement', CPI Antitrust Chronicle, 1, September, 1-11 64
3. Joseph E. Harrington Jr., Kai Hu?schelrath, Ulrich Laitenberger and
Florian Smuda (2015), 'The Discontent Cartel Member and Cartel
Collapse: The Case of the German Cement Cartel', International
Journal of Industrial Organization, 42, September, 106-19 75
4. Wouter P. J. Wils (2012), 'Recidivism in EU Antitrust Enforcement:
A Legal and Economic Analysis', World Competition, 35 (1), 5-26 89
5. Amedeo Arena (2011), 'Game Theory as a Yardstick for Antitrust
Leniency Policy: The US, EU, and Italian Experiences in a
Comparative Perspective', Global Jurist, 11 (1), March, 1-13 111
6. Michal S. Gal (2010), 'Free Movement of Judgments: Increasing
Deterrence of International Cartels through Jurisdictional Reliance',
Virginia Journal of International Law, 51 (1), 57-94 126
7. Julian M. Joshua, Peter D. Camesasca and Youngjin Jung (2008),
'Extradition and Mutual Legal Assistance Treaties: Cartel
Enforcement's Global Reach', Antitrust Law Journal, 75 (2),
353-97 164
8. Margaret Levenstein and Valerie Y. Suslow (2004), 'Contemporary
International Cartels and Developing Countries: Economic Effects
and Implications for Competition Policy', Antitrust Law Journal, 71
(3), 801-52 209
9. Barbara J. Alexander (2003), 'The Impact of Exchange Rate Levels
and Changes on International Cartels: Implications for Liability and
Overcharges', Antitrust Law Journal, 70 (3), 819-46 261
10. William E. Kovacic (2000), 'Lessons of Competition Policy Reform
in Transition Economies for U.S. Antitrust Policy', St. John's Law
Review, 74 (2), Spring, 361-405 289
11. Thomas K. Cheng (2017), 'The Meaning of Restriction of
Competition under the Monopolistic Agreements Provisions of the
PRC Anti-Monopoly Law', World Competition, 40 (2), 323-54 335
12. Bjoern Lundqvist (2015), 'Competition Law as the Limit to
Standard-Setting', in Josef Drexl and Fabiana di Porto (eds),
Competition Law as Regulation, Chapter 13, Cheltenham, UK and
Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing, 365-95 367
13. Joseph A. Clougherty, Tomaso Duso, Miyu Lee and Jo Seldeslachts
(2016), 'Effective European Antitrust: Does EC Merger Policy
Generate Deterrence?', Economic Inquiry, 54 (4), October,
1884-903 399
14. David Reader (2016), 'Accommodating Public Interest
Considerations in Domestic Merger Control: Empirical Insights',
Working Paper, 1-80 419
15. Fei Deng and Su Sun (2015), 'The Role of Economics in Chinese
Merger Appraisal', Journal of Antitrust Enforcement, 3 (1), 92-107 500
16. Anca D. Chirita (2016), 'Procedural Rights in EU Administrative
Competition Proceedings: Ex Ante Mergers', in Caroline Cauffman
and Qian Hao (eds), Procedural Rights in Competition Law in the
EU and China, Berlin and Heidelberg, Germany: Springer-Verlag,
59-99 516
17. Antonio Capobianco, John Davies and Sean F. Ennis (2016),
'Implications of Globalisation for Competition Policy: The Need
for International Cooperation in Merger and Cartel Enforcement',
E15 Expert Group on Competition Policy and the Trade System:
Think Piece, Geneva, Switzerland: International Centre for Trade
and Sustainable Development and Cologny and Geneva,
Switzerland: World Economic Forum, January, i-v, 1-20 557
18. William E. Kovacic, Petros C. Mavroidis and Damien J. Neven
(2014), 'Merger Control Procedures and Institutions: A Comparison
of the EU and US Practice', European University Institute, Robert
Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies: Global Governance
Programme - 84, Working Paper No. 2014/20, 1-30 583
19. Alison Jones and John Davies (2014), 'Merger Control and the
Public Interest: Balancing EU and National Law in the Protectionist
Debate', European Competition Journal, 10 (3), December, 453-97 614
20. D. Daniel Sokol (2013), 'Merger Control under China's Anti-
Monopoly Law', New York University Journal of Law and Business,
10 (1), Fall, 1-36 659
21. Michal S. Gal (2012), 'Merger Policy for Small and Micro
Jurisdictions', in Konkurrensverket: Swedish Competition Authority
(eds), More Pros and Cons of Merger Control, Chapter 3,
Stockholm, Sweden: Swedish Competition Authority, 61-124 695
22. Ariel Ezrachi (2006), 'Merger Control and Cross-Border
Transactions: A Pragmatic View on Cooperation, Convergence and
What is in between', in Philip Marsden (ed.), Handbook of Research
in Trans-Atlantic Antitrust, Chapter 24, Cheltenham, UK and
Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing, 622-40 759
23. Eleanor M. Fox (2002), 'U.S. and European Merger Policy - Fault
Lines and Bridges: Mergers that Create Incentives for Exclusionary
Practices', George Mason Law Review, 10 (3), 471-88 778
24. Eleanor M. Fox (2002), 'Mergers in Global Markets: GE/Honeywell
and the Future of Merger Control', University of Pennsylvania
Journal of International Economic Law, 23 (3), Fall, 457-68 796
25. Michal S. Gal and Thomas K. Cheng (2016), 'Aggregate
Concentration: A Study of Competition Law Solutions', Journal of
Antitrust Enforcement, 4 (2), October, 282-322 809
26. Alison Jones (2016), 'Private Enforcement of EU Competition Law:
A Comparison with, and Lessons from, the US', in Maria
Bergstroem, Marios Iacovides and Magnus Strand (eds),
Harmonising EU Competition Litigation: The New Directive and
Beyond, Part I, Chapter 2, Oxford, UK and Portland, OR, USA:
Hart Publishing, 15-41 850
27. Anca D. Chirita (2015), 'The Judicial Review of the European
Union Industrial Cartels', Zeitschrift fu?r Europarechtliche Studien,
18 (4), 407-41 877
28. Edward D. Cavanagh (2010), 'The Private Antitrust Remedy:
Lessons from the American Experience', Loyola University
Chicago Law Journal, 41 (3), Spring, 629-49 912
29. Bruce Wardhaugh (2014), 'Bogeymen, Lunatics and Fanatics:
Collective Actions and the Private Enforcement of European
Competition Law', Legal Studies, 34 (1), 1-23 933
Este título pertence ao(s) assunto(s) indicados(s). Para ver outros títulos clique no assunto desejado.
Volume I
Acknowledgements viii
Introduction: Comparative Competition Policy - an Anthology of Recent Articles
Susan Beth Farmer xi
1. Inara Scott (2016), 'Antitrust and Socially Responsible
Collaboration: A Chilling Combination?', American Business Law
Journal, 53 (1), Spring, 97-144 2
2. D. Daniel Sokol (2015), 'Tensions between Antitrust and Industrial
Policy', George Mason Law Review, 22 (5), 1247-68 50
3. Harry First and Eleanor M. Fox (2015), 'Philadelphia National
Bank, Globalization, and the Public Interest', Antitrust Law Journal,
80 (2), 307-51 72
4. Mel Marquis (2015), 'Idea Merchants and Paradigm Peddlers in
Global Antitrust', Pacific McGeorge Global Business and
Development Law Journal, 28, 155-208 117
5. John Temple Lang (2014), 'After Fifty Years - What is Needed for
a Unified European Competition Policy?', 21st St. Gallen
International Competition Law Forum ICF, May, 1-54 171
6. Paul Nihoul (2012), 'Freedom of Choice: The Emergence of a
Powerful Concept in European Competition Law', Concurrences
Review, 3, 55-70 225
7. Abbott B. Lipsky, Jr. (2009), 'Managing Antitrust Compliance
through the Continuing Surge in Global Enforcement', Antitrust
Law Journal, 75 (3), 965-95 241
8. Susan Beth Farmer (2007), 'Global Competition Implications for
Enforcement', in Larry Cata Baker (ed.), Harmonizing Law in an
Era of Globalization: Convergence, Divergence, and Resistance,
Chapter 9, Durham, NC, USA: Carolina Academic Press, 185-216 272
9. Oliver Budzinski (2008), 'Monoculture versus Diversity in
Competition Economics', Cambridge Journal of Economics, 32 (2),
March, 295-324 304
10. Spencer Weber Waller (1994), 'Neo-Realism and the International
Harmonization of Law: Lessons from Antitrust', Kansas Law
Review, 42 (3), Spring, 557-604 334
11. Niklas Horstmann, Jan Kraemer and Daniel Schnurr (2018),
'Number Effects and Tacit Collusion in Experimental Oligopolies',
Journal of Industrial Economics, 66 (3), September, 650-700 383
12. Christian Bergqvist (2017), 'Where Do We Stand on Discounts? - A
Danish Perspective', in Where Do We Stand on Discounts? A
Nordic Perspective, Chapter 2, Copenhagen, Denmark: Ex Tuto
Publishing, 53-113 434
13. Yong Huang, Elizabeth Xiao-Ru Wang and Roger Xin Zhang
(2015), 'Essential Facilities Doctrine and Its Application in
Intellectual Property Space under China's Anti-Monopoly Law',
George Mason Law Review, 22 (5), 1103-26 495
14. Eleanor M. Fox (2014), 'Monopolization and Abuse of Dominance:
Why Europe is Different', Antitrust Bulletin, 59 (1), Spring, 129-52 519
15. Michal S. Gal (2013), 'Abuse of Dominance - Exploitative
Abuses', in Ioannis Lianos and Damien Geradin (eds), Handbook
on European Competition Law: Substantive Aspects, Chapter 9,
Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar
Publishing, 385-422 543
16. David J. Gerber (2010), 'Convergence in the Treatment of
Dominant Firm Conduct: The United States, the European Union,
and the Institutional Embeddedness of Economics', Antitrust Law
Journal, 76 (3), 951-73 581
17. Michal S. Gal and A. Jorge Padilla (2010), 'The Follower
Phenomenon: Implications for the Design of Monopolization Rules
in a Global Economy', Antitrust Law Journal, 76 (3), 899-928 604
18. Avishalom Tor (2010), 'Unilateral, Anticompetitive Acquisitions of
Dominance or Monopoly Power', Antitrust Law Journal, 76 (3),
847-72 634
19. Ariel Ezrachi and David Gilo (2008), 'Are Excessive Prices Really
Self-Correcting?', Journal of Competition Law and Economics, 5
(2), 249-68 660
20. A. Neil Campbell and J. William Rowley (2008), 'The
Internationalization of Unilateral Conduct Laws - Conflict, Comity,
Cooperation and/or Convergence?', Antitrust Law Journal, 75 (2),
267-351 680
21. Michal S. Gal (2007), 'The "Cut and Paste" of Article 82 of the EU
Treaty in Israel: Conditions for a Successful Transplant', European
Journal of Law Reform, 9 (3), 467-84 765
22. Wouter P. J. Wils (2014), 'The Judgment of the EU General Court in
Intel and the So-Called More Economic Approach to Abuse of
Dominance', World Competition, 37 (4), 405-34 784
23. Damien Geradin (2015), 'Loyalty Rebates after Intel: Time for the
European Court of Justice to Overrule Hoffman-La Roche', Journal
of Competition Law and Economics, 11 (3), September, 579-615 814
24. Damien Geradin and Caio Mario da Silva Pereira Neto (2013), 'For
a Rigorous "Effects-Based" Analysis of Vertical Restraints Adopted
by Dominant Firms: A Comparison of EU and Brazilian
Competition Law', Competition Policy International, 9 (1), Spring,
1-16 851
25. Vincent Verouden (2003), 'Vertical Agreements and Article 81 (1)
EC: The Evolving Role of Economic Analysis', Antitrust Law
Journal, 71 (2), 525-75 867
Volume II
Acknowledgements viii
Introduction An introduction to both volumes by the editor appears in Volume I
1. Wouter P. J. Wils (2016), 'The Use of Leniency in EU Cartel
Enforcement: An Assessment after Twenty Years', World
Competition, 39 (3), 327-88 2
2. John M. Connor (2015), 'The Rise of ROW Anti-Cartel
Enforcement', CPI Antitrust Chronicle, 1, September, 1-11 64
3. Joseph E. Harrington Jr., Kai Hu?schelrath, Ulrich Laitenberger and
Florian Smuda (2015), 'The Discontent Cartel Member and Cartel
Collapse: The Case of the German Cement Cartel', International
Journal of Industrial Organization, 42, September, 106-19 75
4. Wouter P. J. Wils (2012), 'Recidivism in EU Antitrust Enforcement:
A Legal and Economic Analysis', World Competition, 35 (1), 5-26 89
5. Amedeo Arena (2011), 'Game Theory as a Yardstick for Antitrust
Leniency Policy: The US, EU, and Italian Experiences in a
Comparative Perspective', Global Jurist, 11 (1), March, 1-13 111
6. Michal S. Gal (2010), 'Free Movement of Judgments: Increasing
Deterrence of International Cartels through Jurisdictional Reliance',
Virginia Journal of International Law, 51 (1), 57-94 126
7. Julian M. Joshua, Peter D. Camesasca and Youngjin Jung (2008),
'Extradition and Mutual Legal Assistance Treaties: Cartel
Enforcement's Global Reach', Antitrust Law Journal, 75 (2),
353-97 164
8. Margaret Levenstein and Valerie Y. Suslow (2004), 'Contemporary
International Cartels and Developing Countries: Economic Effects
and Implications for Competition Policy', Antitrust Law Journal, 71
(3), 801-52 209
9. Barbara J. Alexander (2003), 'The Impact of Exchange Rate Levels
and Changes on International Cartels: Implications for Liability and
Overcharges', Antitrust Law Journal, 70 (3), 819-46 261
10. William E. Kovacic (2000), 'Lessons of Competition Policy Reform
in Transition Economies for U.S. Antitrust Policy', St. John's Law
Review, 74 (2), Spring, 361-405 289
11. Thomas K. Cheng (2017), 'The Meaning of Restriction of
Competition under the Monopolistic Agreements Provisions of the
PRC Anti-Monopoly Law', World Competition, 40 (2), 323-54 335
12. Bjoern Lundqvist (2015), 'Competition Law as the Limit to
Standard-Setting', in Josef Drexl and Fabiana di Porto (eds),
Competition Law as Regulation, Chapter 13, Cheltenham, UK and
Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing, 365-95 367
13. Joseph A. Clougherty, Tomaso Duso, Miyu Lee and Jo Seldeslachts
(2016), 'Effective European Antitrust: Does EC Merger Policy
Generate Deterrence?', Economic Inquiry, 54 (4), October,
1884-903 399
14. David Reader (2016), 'Accommodating Public Interest
Considerations in Domestic Merger Control: Empirical Insights',
Working Paper, 1-80 419
15. Fei Deng and Su Sun (2015), 'The Role of Economics in Chinese
Merger Appraisal', Journal of Antitrust Enforcement, 3 (1), 92-107 500
16. Anca D. Chirita (2016), 'Procedural Rights in EU Administrative
Competition Proceedings: Ex Ante Mergers', in Caroline Cauffman
and Qian Hao (eds), Procedural Rights in Competition Law in the
EU and China, Berlin and Heidelberg, Germany: Springer-Verlag,
59-99 516
17. Antonio Capobianco, John Davies and Sean F. Ennis (2016),
'Implications of Globalisation for Competition Policy: The Need
for International Cooperation in Merger and Cartel Enforcement',
E15 Expert Group on Competition Policy and the Trade System:
Think Piece, Geneva, Switzerland: International Centre for Trade
and Sustainable Development and Cologny and Geneva,
Switzerland: World Economic Forum, January, i-v, 1-20 557
18. William E. Kovacic, Petros C. Mavroidis and Damien J. Neven
(2014), 'Merger Control Procedures and Institutions: A Comparison
of the EU and US Practice', European University Institute, Robert
Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies: Global Governance
Programme - 84, Working Paper No. 2014/20, 1-30 583
19. Alison Jones and John Davies (2014), 'Merger Control and the
Public Interest: Balancing EU and National Law in the Protectionist
Debate', European Competition Journal, 10 (3), December, 453-97 614
20. D. Daniel Sokol (2013), 'Merger Control under China's Anti-
Monopoly Law', New York University Journal of Law and Business,
10 (1), Fall, 1-36 659
21. Michal S. Gal (2012), 'Merger Policy for Small and Micro
Jurisdictions', in Konkurrensverket: Swedish Competition Authority
(eds), More Pros and Cons of Merger Control, Chapter 3,
Stockholm, Sweden: Swedish Competition Authority, 61-124 695
22. Ariel Ezrachi (2006), 'Merger Control and Cross-Border
Transactions: A Pragmatic View on Cooperation, Convergence and
What is in between', in Philip Marsden (ed.), Handbook of Research
in Trans-Atlantic Antitrust, Chapter 24, Cheltenham, UK and
Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing, 622-40 759
23. Eleanor M. Fox (2002), 'U.S. and European Merger Policy - Fault
Lines and Bridges: Mergers that Create Incentives for Exclusionary
Practices', George Mason Law Review, 10 (3), 471-88 778
24. Eleanor M. Fox (2002), 'Mergers in Global Markets: GE/Honeywell
and the Future of Merger Control', University of Pennsylvania
Journal of International Economic Law, 23 (3), Fall, 457-68 796
25. Michal S. Gal and Thomas K. Cheng (2016), 'Aggregate
Concentration: A Study of Competition Law Solutions', Journal of
Antitrust Enforcement, 4 (2), October, 282-322 809
26. Alison Jones (2016), 'Private Enforcement of EU Competition Law:
A Comparison with, and Lessons from, the US', in Maria
Bergstroem, Marios Iacovides and Magnus Strand (eds),
Harmonising EU Competition Litigation: The New Directive and
Beyond, Part I, Chapter 2, Oxford, UK and Portland, OR, USA:
Hart Publishing, 15-41 850
27. Anca D. Chirita (2015), 'The Judicial Review of the European
Union Industrial Cartels', Zeitschrift fu?r Europarechtliche Studien,
18 (4), 407-41 877
28. Edward D. Cavanagh (2010), 'The Private Antitrust Remedy:
Lessons from the American Experience', Loyola University
Chicago Law Journal, 41 (3), Spring, 629-49 912
29. Bruce Wardhaugh (2014), 'Bogeymen, Lunatics and Fanatics:
Collective Actions and the Private Enforcement of European
Competition Law', Legal Studies, 34 (1), 1-23 933
Volume I
Acknowledgements viii
Introduction: Comparative Competition Policy - an Anthology of Recent Articles
Susan Beth Farmer xi
1. Inara Scott (2016), 'Antitrust and Socially Responsible
Collaboration: A Chilling Combination?', American Business Law
Journal, 53 (1), Spring, 97-144 2
2. D. Daniel Sokol (2015), 'Tensions between Antitrust and Industrial
Policy', George Mason Law Review, 22 (5), 1247-68 50
3. Harry First and Eleanor M. Fox (2015), 'Philadelphia National
Bank, Globalization, and the Public Interest', Antitrust Law Journal,
80 (2), 307-51 72
4. Mel Marquis (2015), 'Idea Merchants and Paradigm Peddlers in
Global Antitrust', Pacific McGeorge Global Business and
Development Law Journal, 28, 155-208 117
5. John Temple Lang (2014), 'After Fifty Years - What is Needed for
a Unified European Competition Policy?', 21st St. Gallen
International Competition Law Forum ICF, May, 1-54 171
6. Paul Nihoul (2012), 'Freedom of Choice: The Emergence of a
Powerful Concept in European Competition Law', Concurrences
Review, 3, 55-70 225
7. Abbott B. Lipsky, Jr. (2009), 'Managing Antitrust Compliance
through the Continuing Surge in Global Enforcement', Antitrust
Law Journal, 75 (3), 965-95 241
8. Susan Beth Farmer (2007), 'Global Competition Implications for
Enforcement', in Larry Cata Baker (ed.), Harmonizing Law in an
Era of Globalization: Convergence, Divergence, and Resistance,
Chapter 9, Durham, NC, USA: Carolina Academic Press, 185-216 272
9. Oliver Budzinski (2008), 'Monoculture versus Diversity in
Competition Economics', Cambridge Journal of Economics, 32 (2),
March, 295-324 304
10. Spencer Weber Waller (1994), 'Neo-Realism and the International
Harmonization of Law: Lessons from Antitrust', Kansas Law
Review, 42 (3), Spring, 557-604 334
11. Niklas Horstmann, Jan Kraemer and Daniel Schnurr (2018),
'Number Effects and Tacit Collusion in Experimental Oligopolies',
Journal of Industrial Economics, 66 (3), September, 650-700 383
12. Christian Bergqvist (2017), 'Where Do We Stand on Discounts? - A
Danish Perspective', in Where Do We Stand on Discounts? A
Nordic Perspective, Chapter 2, Copenhagen, Denmark: Ex Tuto
Publishing, 53-113 434
13. Yong Huang, Elizabeth Xiao-Ru Wang and Roger Xin Zhang
(2015), 'Essential Facilities Doctrine and Its Application in
Intellectual Property Space under China's Anti-Monopoly Law',
George Mason Law Review, 22 (5), 1103-26 495
14. Eleanor M. Fox (2014), 'Monopolization and Abuse of Dominance:
Why Europe is Different', Antitrust Bulletin, 59 (1), Spring, 129-52 519
15. Michal S. Gal (2013), 'Abuse of Dominance - Exploitative
Abuses', in Ioannis Lianos and Damien Geradin (eds), Handbook
on European Competition Law: Substantive Aspects, Chapter 9,
Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar
Publishing, 385-422 543
16. David J. Gerber (2010), 'Convergence in the Treatment of
Dominant Firm Conduct: The United States, the European Union,
and the Institutional Embeddedness of Economics', Antitrust Law
Journal, 76 (3), 951-73 581
17. Michal S. Gal and A. Jorge Padilla (2010), 'The Follower
Phenomenon: Implications for the Design of Monopolization Rules
in a Global Economy', Antitrust Law Journal, 76 (3), 899-928 604
18. Avishalom Tor (2010), 'Unilateral, Anticompetitive Acquisitions of
Dominance or Monopoly Power', Antitrust Law Journal, 76 (3),
847-72 634
19. Ariel Ezrachi and David Gilo (2008), 'Are Excessive Prices Really
Self-Correcting?', Journal of Competition Law and Economics, 5
(2), 249-68 660
20. A. Neil Campbell and J. William Rowley (2008), 'The
Internationalization of Unilateral Conduct Laws - Conflict, Comity,
Cooperation and/or Convergence?', Antitrust Law Journal, 75 (2),
267-351 680
21. Michal S. Gal (2007), 'The "Cut and Paste" of Article 82 of the EU
Treaty in Israel: Conditions for a Successful Transplant', European
Journal of Law Reform, 9 (3), 467-84 765
22. Wouter P. J. Wils (2014), 'The Judgment of the EU General Court in
Intel and the So-Called More Economic Approach to Abuse of
Dominance', World Competition, 37 (4), 405-34 784
23. Damien Geradin (2015), 'Loyalty Rebates after Intel: Time for the
European Court of Justice to Overrule Hoffman-La Roche', Journal
of Competition Law and Economics, 11 (3), September, 579-615 814
24. Damien Geradin and Caio Mario da Silva Pereira Neto (2013), 'For
a Rigorous "Effects-Based" Analysis of Vertical Restraints Adopted
by Dominant Firms: A Comparison of EU and Brazilian
Competition Law', Competition Policy International, 9 (1), Spring,
1-16 851
25. Vincent Verouden (2003), 'Vertical Agreements and Article 81 (1)
EC: The Evolving Role of Economic Analysis', Antitrust Law
Journal, 71 (2), 525-75 867
Volume II
Acknowledgements viii
Introduction An introduction to both volumes by the editor appears in Volume I
1. Wouter P. J. Wils (2016), 'The Use of Leniency in EU Cartel
Enforcement: An Assessment after Twenty Years', World
Competition, 39 (3), 327-88 2
2. John M. Connor (2015), 'The Rise of ROW Anti-Cartel
Enforcement', CPI Antitrust Chronicle, 1, September, 1-11 64
3. Joseph E. Harrington Jr., Kai Hu?schelrath, Ulrich Laitenberger and
Florian Smuda (2015), 'The Discontent Cartel Member and Cartel
Collapse: The Case of the German Cement Cartel', International
Journal of Industrial Organization, 42, September, 106-19 75
4. Wouter P. J. Wils (2012), 'Recidivism in EU Antitrust Enforcement:
A Legal and Economic Analysis', World Competition, 35 (1), 5-26 89
5. Amedeo Arena (2011), 'Game Theory as a Yardstick for Antitrust
Leniency Policy: The US, EU, and Italian Experiences in a
Comparative Perspective', Global Jurist, 11 (1), March, 1-13 111
6. Michal S. Gal (2010), 'Free Movement of Judgments: Increasing
Deterrence of International Cartels through Jurisdictional Reliance',
Virginia Journal of International Law, 51 (1), 57-94 126
7. Julian M. Joshua, Peter D. Camesasca and Youngjin Jung (2008),
'Extradition and Mutual Legal Assistance Treaties: Cartel
Enforcement's Global Reach', Antitrust Law Journal, 75 (2),
353-97 164
8. Margaret Levenstein and Valerie Y. Suslow (2004), 'Contemporary
International Cartels and Developing Countries: Economic Effects
and Implications for Competition Policy', Antitrust Law Journal, 71
(3), 801-52 209
9. Barbara J. Alexander (2003), 'The Impact of Exchange Rate Levels
and Changes on International Cartels: Implications for Liability and
Overcharges', Antitrust Law Journal, 70 (3), 819-46 261
10. William E. Kovacic (2000), 'Lessons of Competition Policy Reform
in Transition Economies for U.S. Antitrust Policy', St. John's Law
Review, 74 (2), Spring, 361-405 289
11. Thomas K. Cheng (2017), 'The Meaning of Restriction of
Competition under the Monopolistic Agreements Provisions of the
PRC Anti-Monopoly Law', World Competition, 40 (2), 323-54 335
12. Bjoern Lundqvist (2015), 'Competition Law as the Limit to
Standard-Setting', in Josef Drexl and Fabiana di Porto (eds),
Competition Law as Regulation, Chapter 13, Cheltenham, UK and
Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing, 365-95 367
13. Joseph A. Clougherty, Tomaso Duso, Miyu Lee and Jo Seldeslachts
(2016), 'Effective European Antitrust: Does EC Merger Policy
Generate Deterrence?', Economic Inquiry, 54 (4), October,
1884-903 399
14. David Reader (2016), 'Accommodating Public Interest
Considerations in Domestic Merger Control: Empirical Insights',
Working Paper, 1-80 419
15. Fei Deng and Su Sun (2015), 'The Role of Economics in Chinese
Merger Appraisal', Journal of Antitrust Enforcement, 3 (1), 92-107 500
16. Anca D. Chirita (2016), 'Procedural Rights in EU Administrative
Competition Proceedings: Ex Ante Mergers', in Caroline Cauffman
and Qian Hao (eds), Procedural Rights in Competition Law in the
EU and China, Berlin and Heidelberg, Germany: Springer-Verlag,
59-99 516
17. Antonio Capobianco, John Davies and Sean F. Ennis (2016),
'Implications of Globalisation for Competition Policy: The Need
for International Cooperation in Merger and Cartel Enforcement',
E15 Expert Group on Competition Policy and the Trade System:
Think Piece, Geneva, Switzerland: International Centre for Trade
and Sustainable Development and Cologny and Geneva,
Switzerland: World Economic Forum, January, i-v, 1-20 557
18. William E. Kovacic, Petros C. Mavroidis and Damien J. Neven
(2014), 'Merger Control Procedures and Institutions: A Comparison
of the EU and US Practice', European University Institute, Robert
Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies: Global Governance
Programme - 84, Working Paper No. 2014/20, 1-30 583
19. Alison Jones and John Davies (2014), 'Merger Control and the
Public Interest: Balancing EU and National Law in the Protectionist
Debate', European Competition Journal, 10 (3), December, 453-97 614
20. D. Daniel Sokol (2013), 'Merger Control under China's Anti-
Monopoly Law', New York University Journal of Law and Business,
10 (1), Fall, 1-36 659
21. Michal S. Gal (2012), 'Merger Policy for Small and Micro
Jurisdictions', in Konkurrensverket: Swedish Competition Authority
(eds), More Pros and Cons of Merger Control, Chapter 3,
Stockholm, Sweden: Swedish Competition Authority, 61-124 695
22. Ariel Ezrachi (2006), 'Merger Control and Cross-Border
Transactions: A Pragmatic View on Cooperation, Convergence and
What is in between', in Philip Marsden (ed.), Handbook of Research
in Trans-Atlantic Antitrust, Chapter 24, Cheltenham, UK and
Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing, 622-40 759
23. Eleanor M. Fox (2002), 'U.S. and European Merger Policy - Fault
Lines and Bridges: Mergers that Create Incentives for Exclusionary
Practices', George Mason Law Review, 10 (3), 471-88 778
24. Eleanor M. Fox (2002), 'Mergers in Global Markets: GE/Honeywell
and the Future of Merger Control', University of Pennsylvania
Journal of International Economic Law, 23 (3), Fall, 457-68 796
25. Michal S. Gal and Thomas K. Cheng (2016), 'Aggregate
Concentration: A Study of Competition Law Solutions', Journal of
Antitrust Enforcement, 4 (2), October, 282-322 809
26. Alison Jones (2016), 'Private Enforcement of EU Competition Law:
A Comparison with, and Lessons from, the US', in Maria
Bergstroem, Marios Iacovides and Magnus Strand (eds),
Harmonising EU Competition Litigation: The New Directive and
Beyond, Part I, Chapter 2, Oxford, UK and Portland, OR, USA:
Hart Publishing, 15-41 850
27. Anca D. Chirita (2015), 'The Judicial Review of the European
Union Industrial Cartels', Zeitschrift fu?r Europarechtliche Studien,
18 (4), 407-41 877
28. Edward D. Cavanagh (2010), 'The Private Antitrust Remedy:
Lessons from the American Experience', Loyola University
Chicago Law Journal, 41 (3), Spring, 629-49 912
29. Bruce Wardhaugh (2014), 'Bogeymen, Lunatics and Fanatics:
Collective Actions and the Private Enforcement of European
Competition Law', Legal Studies, 34 (1), 1-23 933
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